Intraocular (IOLs) & Lens Implants
Before the development of intraocular lenses (IOLs), you would need thick eyeglasses or special contacts in order to see even after cataract surgery. However, with IOLs you can have improved vision without glasses or contacts.What is an IOL?
An intraocular lens (IOL) is a synthetic, artificial lens placed inside the eye to replace the natural lens removed during cataract surgery. The majority of IOLs are approximately one-third the size of a dime and made of a foldable, flexible material.Why Are IOL’s Used?
When the natural lens is removed during cataract surgery, most of the eye’s ability to focus is lost. To restore vision, there are three options: eyeglasses, contact lenses, or a permanent IOL. If you have cataract surgery in one eye, the magnification in one eye can hinder the binocularity of your vision. Tolerating and handling contact lenses can be difficult for some. The third option, a permanent IOL surgically placed inside the eye, makes good vision effortless and more natural.Types of IOL’s Available
There are three types of IOLs available: monofocal fixed-focus, multifocal and accommodating.- Monofocal fixed-focus provides corrected vision at a set distance, i.e. near, far, or intermediate. You will need glasses for clear vision at either near or far distances. Multifocal lenses are designed with a series of focal zones and, depending on how
- Multifocal lenses are designed with a series of focal zones and, depending on how the light comes through the zones, may allow you to see both near and far objects.
- Accommodative lenses let specific eye muscles move the IOL, changing the focus in the same way a natural lens would so that you can have clear vision at all distances.