Dysport® Injections in Boynton Beach & Lake Worth, FL

Dysport® is approved by the FDA to treat facial wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles include those lines across the forehead (horizontal rhytids), around the eyes (crow’s feet), and between the eyebrows (glabella).Dysport® works by treating specific, wrinkle-causing facial muscles in order to eliminate the dynamic wrinkles. In the proper hands Dysport® can provide a very natural appearing and dramatic improvement in your appearance. Dysport® treatments are performed in the comfort of our office. There is no down time with this procedure, and you can return to your regular daily activities almost immediately.Prescription Dysport® is an injection used to temporarily smooth moderate to severe frown lines. A comparable treatment to Dysport® is Botox® Cosmetic.Dysport® works by blocking the signal from the nerve to the muscles. Ultimately, this results in a reduction of muscle activity and temporarily prevents the treated muscles from contracting, causing frown lines. It is recommended to have a Dysport® treatment every 3-4 months.Frown lines (wrinkles) occur when the muscles that control facial expression contract, tightening over and over. Dysport® is injected to tighten these muscles for up to 4 months.

What are the side effects?

Potential side effects of Dysport® are similar to those associated with Botox treatment. They include local numbness, swelling, bruising or a burning sensation during injection. These side effects can be mitigated by placing ice on the injection site before and after the procedure.